This Nashville based property seeks to capitalize on the idea of open space. Given the larger
plot of land in a more suburban area, this open space allows for a more community centric approach
to the layout and the overall design of the project. The U-shaped design centers around illustrious
greenery and ornate walkways; surrounding are the twelve units that frame the entirety of the
Each unit is split between a ground floor level, followed by two residential floors, and finally a
roof access terrace. Each of these levels have their own unique designs and to that end their own
purposes. The ground level gives residents exclusive access to a personal garage space while
allowing for parking outside the unit as well. The subsequent two floors are the heart and soul of
these spaces. By ensuring technical execution at the highest level, the functionality and design of
each room is optimized to anticipate the needs of each resident. Finally, the roof access terrace
encourages a change of pace to socialize and view the surrounding landscape.